CAS and Primary Leads Meeting July 2020

We have the links available following from the CAS meeting. Many thanks to all those who shared.   Digital Schoolhouse  Youtube channel       iPad schools: Creativity for Kids       Code for life Rapid Router         tinkercad code it       Contraption maker (Windows,...

Who is Dan? We launch our new online safety assembly for primary schools

For a number of years, we have been successfully delivering online safety assemblies in Primary and Secondary schools. We have to keep moving forward and keeping things fresh. We chose the Anti-Bullying Childrens' Conference to launch our new assembly "Who is Dan?"...

Photography on location

Knetic Education staff enjoyed a day out on location teaching year 4 pupils about how to take a good photograph. The pupils were taught about composition, rule of thirds and leading lines. They practised their new skills and being out on location on the Northumberland...

Scratch Maths conference

This unique training day on 22 November from 9.30 - 4.00 is lead by the creator of Ready Steady Code, Seamus O'Neill. Delegates will experience first hand how this approach works and understand the pedagogy behind its success. More information is available at his...

STEM becomes STEAMy as we inject a bit of art into a STEM week

When we were approached by Dene Community school for ideas for a big video project to accompany their STEM week we jumped at the chance to take part. The aim was to work with students from Dene, and their feeder primary schools, to create an animation to demonstrate...

Establishing coding clubs in school: Free Funding available

State primary/first/middle schools in Tyne & Wear and Northumberland are eligible to apply for grants of either £1,000 or £2,000 for the purchase of Raspberry Pi equipment. This can be used either for enhancing the computing curriculum, establishing out-of-school...

We let the little ones loose with big cameras

We had an awesome day working with Year 4 at  St Anne's RC Primary in Sunderland supporting them on a photographic field trip to Penshaw Monument. We started at school by looking at some pictures of the monument for inspiration, learned how to use the camera and the...

The Anti-Bullying Roadshow is On-Tour – How to be safe on YouTube

Once again this year we are working with the Anti-Bullying team to help deliver a series of children's conferences around Sunderland. Because we have had a lot of schools contact us, concerned that very young children are proudly calling themselves "YouTuber's" and...

How much control do you really have of what you do online?

This is the question that I answered this week at a series of assemblies at St Aidan’s Catholic Academy, where every year I have the privilege of delivering an online safety presentation to the boys.  I love rising to the challenge of finding new information to share...

Anti bullying professionals conference 

Teachers and professionals took part in our annual Professionals anti bullying conference in Sunderland. The day started off with a session from Young Carers. This was followed by a variety of workshops on resorative justice, LBGTQ, identity and I am Sam from...

We provide inspiration  and support for more effective teaching and learning.

Knetic Education are a team of education consultants working together to provide support for schools. Although we are based in the North East of England we work nationally with a number of partner organisations.  

Having previously worked as classroom teachers, and in school improvement roles, we have a vast range of classroom, management and school improvement experience.

While our main specialism is integrating learning technologies in the classroom, we are passionate about improving pedagogy too.

We offer a complete range of services and approaches from in-class support through coaching and mentoring to team-teaching and delivering CPD.

Our approach offers complete flexibility to ensure you get the support you require to realise your vision.

We hope you take the opportunity to explore the services we offer and how we can work together.

Why Knetic?

We chose the name Knetic as it represents the energy of movement. Ok so we played with the spelling a bit, but we hope that to our customers it still embodies our desire to help you move toward your goals – whatever they may be.

We work nationally delivering courses to empower teachers not only to use technology but to improve their pedagogy. We have decades of experience in supporting the use of learning technologies to inspire and motivate learners.


Our subscribers enjoy on-demand strategic advice at a time that suits them – reassured that we are here when they need us. Other clients like to hire us in for specific projects – either way, you can be assured of great service.

Media Services

We are here to support you with your media projects too. We offer filmmaking services or we can work with your learners to develop their filmmaking skills. The same is true for music production, sound recording and photography.

Our Partnerships

We are lead trainers for the Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme. Teep and Embedding Formative Assesment. 

We run a digital schoolhouse covering Sunderland and Durham

We run the CAS – Computing at School support hub for Sunderland offering free advice and CPD on computing 

We run the Computing at School support hub for Sunderland

We run an Apple Regional Training Centre providing free training and advice to schools that want to make effective use of Apple technologies for teaching & learning

Meet the team

Mark Lloyd

Mark Lloyd


Mark Lloyd is an Education consultant specialising in providing inspiration and support for more effective teaching and learning.

A self-confessed geek, he loves nothing more than working with teachers to explore how they can raise standards of teaching and learning using technology. Mark has worked in education for his entire career. Starting as a Primary School Teacher, in Sunderland, before moving on to spend ten years managing a schools ICT centre and more recently as Local Authority ICT advisor and member of the school improvement team. His vast experience of delivering strategies for effective teaching and learning strategies has enabled him to work in schools throughout the UK to provide training, strategic advice and in-class support on raising teacher effectiveness.

He has worked with a number of schools on support and strategic planning for mobile device rollouts and the associated training, coaching and mentoring of staff. Mark is an Apple Professional Learning Specialist, CEOP Ambassador, Microsoft Innovative Educator and Adobe Education Trainer. He has a particular interest in music technology, film-making, photography and digital media production. In his spare time you’ll find him composing music, running, and attempting to make the perfect flat white.

Jane Adamson

Jane Adamson


Jane is a teacher with a huge passion for enhancing teaching and learning using IT. Jane is an experienced teacher who has worked with Primary and secondary aged students. She has many years experience of delivering fun and engaging activities to children and teachers to inspire and motivate them to succeed in traditionally hard to teach areas such as computing.

As any job evolves over time she has adapted different approaches as the curriculum has developed. She is a TEEP trainer working for SSAT (the schools, students and teachers network). Jane is an Adobe certified trainer. She also delivers online safety training and activities in schools. The team are a regional training center for Apple technology.

What we’ve been up to

CAS and Primary Leads Meeting July 2020

CAS and Primary Leads Meeting July 2020

We have the links available following from the CAS meeting. Many thanks to all those who shared.   Digital Schoolhouse  Youtube channel       iPad schools: Creativity for Kids       Code for life Rapid Router         tinkercad code it       Contraption maker (Windows,...

Photography on location

Photography on location

Knetic Education staff enjoyed a day out on location teaching year 4 pupils about how to take a good photograph. The pupils were taught about composition, rule of thirds and leading lines. They practised their new skills and being out on location on the Northumberland...

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